Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement: Understanding the Basics

As businesses grow, they may need to borrow money to expand their operations or finance new projects. When seeking financing from lenders, a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement is often used to ensure that the borrower can meet its financial obligations.

What is a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement?

A Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement is a type of financial agreement that defines the terms and conditions of a loan. It is a legal contract between the borrower and the lender that outlines the borrower`s obligations to repay the loan, including interest and other fees.

A Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio is a measure used by lenders to assess the borrower`s ability to meet its financial obligations. It is calculated by dividing the borrower`s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) by the sum of the borrower`s fixed charges, which include interest expenses, principal payments, and lease payments.

A Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement typically includes provisions that specify the borrower`s obligation to maintain a certain Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio. If the ratio falls below the specified level, the borrower may be in default of the agreement, and the lender may have the right to take legal action to recover the loan.

Why is a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement Important for Businesses?

A Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement is important for businesses because it provides a clear framework for borrowing money and repaying the loan. By specifying the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, the agreement helps the borrower to understand the level of financial performance required to avoid default and maintain a good relationship with the lender.

A Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement also helps to protect the lender`s investment by ensuring that the borrower has sufficient resources to repay the loan. By specifying the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, the lender can assess the borrower`s creditworthiness and the risk level associated with the loan.


In summary, a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement is a crucial tool for businesses seeking to borrow money from lenders. By specifying the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, the agreement provides a clear framework for loan repayment and helps to ensure that both the borrower and the lender understand their obligations.

As a business owner, it is essential to understand the terms and conditions of any loan agreement before signing it. By working with an experienced financial advisor or lawyer, you can ensure that you fully understand the implications of a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Credit Agreement and make informed decisions about your business finances.