The Horizon 2020 grant agreement is a funding program initiated by the European Union. It provides financial support for research and innovation projects that aim to solve social, environmental, and economic problems. The grant agreement outlines the terms and conditions for receiving funding, including Annex 2. In this article, we will discuss what Annex 2 is, its importance, and its specific requirements.

What is Annex 2 in the H2020 Grant Agreement?

Annex 2 is an essential part of the Horizon 2020 grant agreement that outlines the specific details of the project. It serves as a reference point for the project partners and the European Union to ensure that the project objectives are met. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of the project participants, project budget, and reporting requirements.

Why is Annex 2 Important?

Annex 2 is critical because it sets the framework for the project’s success. It outlines the budget, project objectives, and reporting guidelines that must be followed to receive funding. The information provided in this annex determines the project`s feasibility, ability to achieve its objectives, and its overall impact on society. Therefore, it is essential to understand the requirements of Annex 2 to develop a competitive proposal.

What are the Specific Requirements of Annex 2?

An annex 2 typically includes the following information:

1. Description of the project: This section includes the objectives, scope, and expected results of the project.

2. Budget: The budget outlines the project`s overall financial plan, including income and expenditures, funding sources, and the distribution of funds among project partners.

3. Work plan: The work plan outlines the project`s timeline and milestones and sets specific deadlines for the completion of tasks.

4. Reporting and monitoring: This section outlines the reporting guidelines, including the frequency and type of reports required, to ensure the project is on track.

5. Intellectual Property Rights: This section outlines ownership, use, and management of Intellectual Property arising from the research and innovation activities in the project.

In conclusion, Annex 2 is a critical component of the H2020 grant agreement. It outlines the specific requirements and guidelines for the project`s success and receiving funding. Therefore, it is essential to understand and adhere to Annex 2 to develop a competitive and successful project proposal.