As a remote worker, it`s essential to have clear guidelines and expectations for how your team will collaborate and communicate. One helpful tool for establishing these agreements is Miro, a digital whiteboard platform that allows teams to collaborate in real-time. In this article, we`ll explore the benefits of using Miro for a working agreement and provide some tips for creating an effective agreement.

What is a Miro Working Agreement?

A Miro working agreement is a collaborative document that outlines how a remote team will work together. It`s an agreement that sets expectations for everything from communication and collaboration to task management and time zones. The working agreement is created and maintained by the team, making it a living document that can be updated as the team`s needs change.

Why Use Miro for a Working Agreement?

Miro is an ideal platform for creating a working agreement for a few reasons. Firstly, Miro allows for real-time collaboration, making it easy for team members to work together no matter where they are located. It`s also a visual platform, which means that teams can easily create diagrams, flowcharts, and other visuals that help to clarify roles and responsibilities.

Miro also allows teams to use templates, which can save time and ensure that the agreement covers all necessary topics. For example, Miro offers a “Remote Working Agreement” template that includes sections on communication, work hours, task management, and more.

Tips for Creating a Miro Working Agreement

Creating an effective working agreement is crucial for any remote team`s success. Here are some tips for creating a working agreement using Miro:

1. Involve the entire team

Creating a working agreement is a collaborative effort, so it`s essential to involve all team members in the process. This ensures that everyone has a say in how the team will work together, and it helps to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunication.

2. Define roles and responsibilities

One of the most critical aspects of a working agreement is defining roles and responsibilities. This includes establishing who is responsible for what tasks, how tasks will be assigned, and how progress will be tracked.

3. Set communication guidelines

Effective communication is critical for remote teams, and the working agreement should include clear guidelines for how team members will communicate with each other. This includes the use of communication tools, response times, and how to escalate issues or concerns.

4. Discuss expectations around work hours

Work hours can be a significant source of conflict for remote teams, so it`s essential to set clear expectations around when team members are expected to be available. This includes establishing core working hours, understanding time zone differences, and defining expectations for after-hours work.

5. Review and update regularly

The working agreement is a living document that should be reviewed and updated regularly. This ensures that it remains relevant and useful for the team as circumstances and needs change.


Creating a working agreement using Miro is an excellent way for remote teams to establish guidelines and expectations for how they will work together. By involving the entire team, defining roles and responsibilities, setting communication guidelines, discussing work hours, and reviewing and updating regularly, teams can ensure that their working agreement is effective and useful.