Parambikulam Aliyar Agreement: An Overview

The Parambikulam Aliyar Agreement, also known as the PAP Agreement, is an important piece of legislation that regulates the sharing of water resources between the Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. This agreement was signed in 1974 and has been instrumental in resolving longstanding disputes between these two states over the utilization of the waters of the Parambikulam and Aliyar rivers.

Key Provisions of the Agreement

Under the PAP Agreement, Tamil Nadu is allocated a share of 205 million cubic feet (mcft) of water from the Parambikulam River, while Kerala gets 7.25 thousand million cubic feet (tmcft) of water from the same source. In addition, Kerala is allowed to use up to 30 tmcft of water from the Aliyar River, while Tamil Nadu can make use of up to 2.5 tmcft of water from the same source. These allocations are based on calculations of the availability of water in these rivers and are intended to ensure that both states receive a fair share of water resources.

Implementation of the Agreement

The management of water resources under the PAP Agreement involves a complex set of arrangements that require close cooperation and coordination between the two states. The two states have established a joint committee known as the PAP Joint Committee to oversee the implementation of the agreement and to resolve any disputes that may arise. The committee is responsible for deciding on the release of water from the Parambikulam and Aliyar reservoirs and for monitoring the utilization of water by the two states.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite the existence of the PAP Agreement, disputes between Tamil Nadu and Kerala over water sharing have continued to occur, particularly during periods of drought or when rainfall is scarce. There have also been disagreements over the interpretation of certain provisions of the agreement, particularly with regard to the sharing of water from the Aliyar River. These disputes have often resulted in protests and demonstrations by farmers and other groups who depend on these waters for their livelihoods.


In conclusion, the Parambikulam Aliyar Agreement is an important legal instrument that has helped to regulate the sharing of water resources between Tamil Nadu and Kerala. While the agreement has been broadly successful in resolving disputes and ensuring a fair allocation of water resources, it remains a complex undertaking that requires ongoing coordination and cooperation between the two states to ensure that its provisions are implemented effectively. As climate change and increasing demand for water resources place greater pressures on these rivers, the importance of the PAP Agreement and its effective management will only become more critical in the years ahead.